Bannack State Park: a Ghost Town in Southwest Montana, USA

Bannack State Park:  a Ghost Town in Southwest Montana, USA

Most of the buildings remaining in Bannack State Park, a ghost town in southwest Montana, are still in decent shape and open for perusal.  Wallpaper and linoleum are pealing back to reveal years and transitions.  The mind wanders as you study what used to be.  There are a few really noteworthy specimens of old Bannack buildings that you will naturally be drawn to.  Such as the hotel, with its beautiful, sweeping staircase that takes you from the lobby to the second floor. The state park offers more than just walking through musty corridors and looking out rolled glass panes.  It has a variety of events and activities throughout the year.

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Restaurace Skalka Vimperk in the Czech Republic

Restaurace Skalka Vimperk in the Czech Republic

If you ever find yourself traveling through southwest Czech near the German border, I would highly recommend a stop at probably the best place I have eaten, Restaurace Skalka Vimperk in the Czech Republic.

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Go to North Caucasus Mountains in Russia to See the Mysterious Dolmens

Go to North Caucasus Mountains in Russia to See the Mysterious Dolmens

The Caucasian Dolmens represent a unique type of prehistoric architecture. Similar to Stonehenge, Dolmens were built with stone blocks of catastrophic size. They are thought to date between 3,000 and 2,000 B.C., although little is known about these sites. Today approximately 3,000 of these megalithics have been discovered in the Caucasus Mountains.  More are being found and also destroyed. 

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Our Tree House Adventure in Berlin, Ohio

Our Tree House Adventure in Berlin, Ohio

Sleep and sway in the tree tops.  Stay the night in a tree house with full bathroom/s, kitchen and electricity.  Located in the heart of Ohio Amish Country.  Easily accessible and reasonably priced for a stunning experience.  

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Good for the Goose

a friend called me.  He had been bird watching in an infrequented area.  While there, he observed that a live goose was caught in a muskrat trap.  The season for trapping muskrats ended over a month ago.  It was unlikely that a trapper would be by to take responsibility for this animal.  So, my conscientious friend tried to reach the goose in order to set it free.  However, the goose eluded him. 

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Waning Pelage

Waning Pelage

In the quiet, private place of Kristi’s choosing she began the emotional step of trying on wigs.  Once the initial reluctance of removing the hat (that had been Kristi’s covering) had been conquered, the fun session of playing dress up commenced.  Dee carried an array of possibilities in her pack.  There was a wig for every occasion and character.  Along with Dee’s various products she delivered helpful information.

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